Category: Articles

Podcast News!

The latest episode of my podcast, ‘The World Below The War In The Heavens’ is out now, featuring Zalman the Vicious. Son of Grippina the Cruel, King Zalman carried on the family tradition for bloodymindedness. Get it wherever you get your podcasts or here:

The World Below the War in the Heavens Season 3!

The first episode of Series 3 of the ‘World Below the War in the Heavens’ podcast is out now, wherever you find your podcasts. It’s an in depth explainer about the War in the Heavens itself! Come and explore an imaginary land with me! You can find the World...

Looking Back

The ‘Laws of Magic’ series had some of my best covers and they all are....

Another Astonishing Episode!

The hits just keep coming in the Apocryphal Australia podcast. Episode 4, brought to you by Stephen Higgins and me, is rolls out half a dozen stories that boggle the mind in the best possible way. Sometimes, I even have trouble believing them myself. Listen below, or find it...

Apocryphal Australia

And just because one podcast isn’t enough, I’ve started another … I’ve got together with my good friend Stephen Higgins, who is also one of the Aurealis publishers along with Dirk Strasser and me. The result is the Apocryphal Australia podcast which explores aspects of Australia that are, frankly,...

The Anaquist Dynasty Foundation Period

With the final episode of the second season of the ‘World Below The War in the Heavens’ podcast out there, I thought I’d post a table of the monarchs of this Foundation Period, so everyone can see them in order and in context. 70-110 Ucantha 1 Founder of the...

Podcast Episode 20 – Halden the Sleepwalker

Halden I earned his unflattering nickname because of the way he walked into disaster and steered Anaquist into a nightmare, if you can have a sleepwalking steersman/helmsman/at the wheel. One thing is clear, though – it’s the end of the Foundation Era of Anaquist, however you put it....

Podcast Episode 17 Hoch the Boy King

Definitely a youthful monarch, Hoch I’s reign was marred by the legendary Lessgar Affair – a sobering story of loyalty, mistrust and petty ambition gone badly, badly wrong....

Podcast Episode 15 – Jallox!

Jallox is a large island separated from the mainland continent of the World Below the War in the Heavens by a two hundred mile stretch of stormy waters. Jalloxians have always considered themselves apart from the rest of the World Below the War in the Heavens, separate and better...