Tag: writing

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 27

Sean Williams Like a lot of kids who grew up to become writers, I was a voracious reader from a very early age.* My parents loved books too, and I remember going through their shelves in search of something, anything to try next. They didn’t often deny my choices...

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 25

Carole Wilkinson One of my favourite books as a child was the first book I can remember reading. It was a Rupert Annual. I didn’t grow up in a house full of books, but I often got a book for my birthday, and one for Christmas. The Christmas book...

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 24

Marianne de Pierres The Secret Garden will forever be the most important book from my childhood. My sister was a little older, and on school holidays she used to take time to read to me. I can still remember sitting in my dad’s old green armchair in our family...

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 23

Kate Forsyth When I heard year that Diana Wynne Jones had died, I grieved as deeply as if I had known her. Part of my sorrow came from the thought that there would be no more Diana Wynne Jones books … no more funny, wise, magical stories that never...

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 22

Nansi Kunze I think I must have been ten when I began to read Rosemary Sutcliff’s books. It was a strange time for me – a confusing and somewhat lonely one. My parents had split up, and we had gone back to England, leaving my friends, my school and...

Guest Post – Paul Collins

Today’s guest post is a step to the side of the ongoing ‘My Favourite Book’ series. Today, it’s Paul Collins talking about Fantasy writing and the Hero’s Journey. The most popular (read notorious) question authors get asked is: ‘Where do you get your ideas?’ I built a workshop around...

What’s 10 Futures About?

The best way to prepare for the future is to imagine it. In our imaginations we can anticipate where we’re going, where our lives might be, the shape of the world to come. 10 Futures is a very different book for me, a real departure from the wonderful Steampunk...

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 18

Simmone Howell When I think about books and my childhood, I see the cane bedside table on which all wonderful things were held: a portable radio, then later, a walkman, a jar of jelly crystals (for eating) and books. I was obsessed with memorising text from an early age...

10 Futures Book Trailer

And here’s the book trailer for ’10 Futures’, which will be released next month....

Writers Write: My Favourite Book 17

Sherryl Clark Like many people, a book that I remember clearly was one of the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis – The Magician’s Nephew. It was the first book I ever owned, as it was a present from my older sister. It was a while later before I discovered...