The Process of Drafting and Re-drafting

The first draft is you telling yourself the story.

The second draft is you telling the story to trusted readers.

The third draft is you telling the story to your cat/dog.

The fourth draft is you telling the story to random strangers on the street.

The fifth draft is you telling the story on a nationally televised chat show.

The sixth draft is you telling the story to the general assembly of the UN.

The seventh draft is you telling the story to a shadowy transnational cabal.

The eight draft is telling you the story to yourself again, but under a blanket, in a hushed, quavering voice.

The ninth draft is the story achieving self-awareness and telling itself.

The tenth draft is the story rebelling against its master, destroying you and itself in an orgy of violence witnessed by villagers with flaming torches and pitch forks.
