Five Great Historical Fantasy Novels
I’m happy enough with my Extraordinaires series
being called Steampunk, but I’m more and more coming to think of it as Historical Fantasy.
And by Historical Fantasy, I don’t mean Alternate History (stories in a world like our own that has taken a different historical path) or standard Fantasy that’s set in a world somewhat like our own except for added magic – (see my Laws of Magic for this).
I’ll take a stab a definition of Historical Fantasy, even though I understand that definitions are tricky: Historical Fantasy is a story set in an actual, definable historical time and location, but with elements of the fantastic included such as magic, gods or imaginary creatures.
Yes, it’s arguable and on the margins there are exceptions and ‘should be includeds’, but that’s the fate of every definition.
Historical Fantasy can be a real joy if you love Fantasy, but have grown tired of the standard Fantasy setting – a quasi-mediaeval, Northern European milieu. Historical Fantasy uses the best aspects of Fantasy in fresh, new places.
Here’s my list of Five Great Historical Fantasy Novels
Bridge of Birds – Barry Hughart
Oh, do read this book. Barry Hughart called it ‘A Novel of an Ancient China That Never Was’ and it’s an utter delight as Master Li (‘I have a slight flaw in my character’) and Number Ten Ox, his assistant, have a series of remarkable adventures in a magical landscape full of extraordinary characters. It’s rollicking, hilarious, suspenseful, eye-opening and the ending is both profound and moving.
The Stress of Her Regard – Tim Powers
Tim Powers is one of the masters of Historical Fantasy. In The Stress of Her Regard he takes us early 19th century Europe and the world of the Romantic Poets. Shelley, Keats and Byron are substantial characters, and the remarkable night at the Villa Diodati where Mary Shelley created Frankenstein in the presence of Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Dr John Polidori. This is the central part of a vast and brooding story that weaves in and out of the gaps in history. Sensational!
Temeraire – Naomi Novik
Now we’re in the middle of the Napoleonic Wars, but with dragons. Do I need to say any more?
Soldier of the Mist – Gene Wolfe
One of our great speculative fiction writers, Gene Wolfe wrote one of the great Historical Fantasy books in Soldier of the Mist which is set in the Greek-Persian wars in the fifth century BCE. The main character suffers a head injury and so has amnesia – but he can also see gods, spirits and supernatural creatures. It’s a majestic book.
The Terror – Dan Simmons
Some might put this in the horror basket, but I’m going to appropriate it for Historical Fantasy, mostly because of the amount of research that’s gone into this cracker of a novel. It traces the ill-fated Franklin Expedition of 1845, in which two steamships went searching for the fabled North-west Passage through the icy seas to the north of Canada. It’s no spoiler to tell you that everyone dies, for that’s the historical record. Simmons, however, uses chilling(!) Inuit mythology to explore a possible reason. It’s breathtaking.
I think your definition of historical fantasy is about right. To look at it from another viewpoint, historical fantasy could be the urban fantasy of previous times. The ‘rules’ seem roughly the same.
Thanks, Stephen. And I like your ‘historical fantasy could be the urban fantasy of previous times’ bit. It’s a neat encapsulation!
Today’s instalment on John Scalzi’s ‘Whatever’ blog also rates ‘Bridge of Birds’ highly. I quite like it myself, as well.
All good fun, really.
It’s a superb book, and one that’s unjustly overlooked. It has great humanity about it.